Student Corner
- Center for value added courses (CVAC) are introduced a career oriented and skill enhancing course. It imparts and develops intellectual as well as practical and analytical skills of a student and enables the students to technically ready for their working environment.
- A value-added program has gained considerable momentum as a new way to assess the effectiveness of students and teachers.
- Value-added programs traces individual student gains over the course of the year, thus controlling for other factors influencing student achievement.
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) of NPC to encourage students of college from all the discipline’s to consider Self -employment as a career option, also provide training in Entrepreneurship through modular courses. Thus becoming “job generators” rather than “job seekers”. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell of our college organizes Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) for students to create awareness among the students about various facets of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option as also to highlight the merits of pursuing such an option.
To inspire , train and make our students into innovative entrepreneurs,marching towards universal leadership
This Institution is committed to developing entrepreneurship among students through education, innovative training and providing strategic support & incubation facilities for Startups and helping them succeed with global reputation.
Create awareness on entrepreneurship among students through training programs.
- To identify and motivate budding students
- To facilitate budding students by providing information on entrepreneurial opportunities
- To create data base and networking to help students
- To assist students in product development
- To help students to acquire necessary managerial skills to run the industry effectively
- Students will have inspiration to start business.
- It will generate employment opportunities.
- To help the uplift of the society.
Under EDC
- Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (Supported by Zone-4 IEDP Hub Govt. of Tamilnadu)
- Seminars for Entrepreneurship Awareness
- Technology based Entrepreneurship development program
- Workshops on Idea Generation and Business Opportunities Identification
- Innovation based project Idea Evaluation and Competition
- Seminars on Patent Drafting and Registration
- Study visits to Industries, Research labs and much more……
Activities 2022-2023
- ED cell were organized Two Day Workshop of “Entrepreneurship and Startups” on 13/01/2022 & 20/09/2022. This function was addressed by Chief Guest Dr. D.Rajith Karna System Engineer,TCS Mumbai and Guest of Honor Mr.K P Sibi George Senior Mechanical Engineer, BluOrgin Tech Kerala.250 students and staff members are benefited in this workshop.
NPC Alumni Associates
NPC Alumni Associate gives an opportunity to interact with old students and helps to promote the importance of lifelong engagement with NPC. NPC students are high capacity leaders looking for a leadership development experience that deepens their appreciation of a lifelong connection with NPC.
The Alumni Association is a dynamic, member-focused organization, driven by Franciscan values and directed towards supporting the social, intellectual, and spiritual needs of all present and future alumni of Nandha Polytechnic College.
The Alumni Association will achieve its vision through its mission of
- Promoting a strong relationship between alumni and the college
- Advancing the unique needs of alumni, while supporting the college goals
- Developing an awareness of Nandha Polytechnic college history, accomplishments, programs, and offerings
- Promoting a sense of college pride among all graduates
What We Do
NPC members will have a variety of opportunities to take part in NPC alumni events, build relationships with alumni, be part of maintaining history and traditions of NPC, and spread the alumni involvement opportunities to their peers.
- Leadership development opportunities
- Networking opportunities
- Professional development/skill-building opportunities
- Interaction with a fun and energizing group of students and staff
- Opportunities for lifelong engagement with NPC
Maintaining communication channels with alumni means you can keep them informed of our achievements and make them part of your institution’s future, not just its past. Alumni interaction have been conducted at regular intervals for students which made idea about industrial world.
Student safety
Student Safety Insurance
Students can get insurance when they are in trouble. The policy is issued in the name of the Institution. The claim amount will be given to the parent/guardian as recorded in the College register. All students are to be covered during the policy period.
The students will be covered against death, total loss of two limbs or two eyes, total loss of one limb and one eye, total loss of one limb or one eye and Permanent total and partial disabled.
- Death (Capital Benefit) : Rs 1,00,000/-
- Loss of two limbs, two eyes or one limb and one eye : Rs 10,000/-
- Loss of one limb or one eye : Rs 5,000/-
- Permanent total disablement from injuries other than those mentioned above : Rs 10,000/-
- Permanent partial disablement (percentage of benefits as given below on the capital benefit of Rs 10,000/-)
- Limit upto Rs 500/- (any one accident, any one year)
The policy provides personal accident benefits to register students of the college.
Benefited persons
Anti Ragging
NANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, a reputed institution brings a lot of happiness to the students and their families. The college starts on 3rd week of July every year. Ragging is a custom in the professional colleges and university campuses in our country. NANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE has always taken adequate measures for prevention and control of ragging every year. And the ragging in the campus is probably minimum among any of the colleges. However, due to the ugly incidences of ragging in other colleges in Delhi and the rest of the country appearing in the newspapers and media there is anxiety and fear among the freshers and their family members. The college would like to alleviate this fear and anxiety and provide a conducive environment for learning during the initial period of the course. Following the Honorable Supreme Court’s direction, we aim to make NANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE a ragging free campus.
1 | Mr. A K Velusamy | Administrative Officer | Member |
2 | Mr.G.Mohankumar | Principal | Member |
3 | Mr.G. Munusamy | HoD i/c/DPCE | Member |
4 | Mr.R.Saravanan | HoD/DAE | Member |
5 | Mr.M.Palanisamy | HoD/DME | Member |
6 | Mrs.P.Geetha | HoD/DEEE | Member |
7 | Mr.V.Dineshkumar | HoD/DCE | Member |
8 | Mr.M.Vinothkumar | HoD/DECE | Member |
9 | Mrs.N.Jayasree | HoD/DCIVIL | Member |
Contact : Principal – 9750420222